
We are now streaming sermons live on YouTube and the sermon videos are also saved on our Somerville Road Church of Christ YouTube Channel.  

Sermon Audio


Bible Text: Psalm 19:7-11 | Preacher: Tim Sutton


April 24, 2016
Bible Text: Romans 15:4 | Preacher: Tim Sutton
Bible Text: Proverbs 22:1-5 | Preacher: Tim Sutton

Divorce and Remarriage

April 17, 2016
Bible Text: Matthew 19:3-9 | Preacher: Tim Sutton

Things We Cannot Escape

April 10, 2016
Bible Text: Hebrews 2:1-4 | Preacher: Tim Sutton


April 10, 2016
Bible Text: Zephaniah 1:4 | Preacher: Tim Sutton
Bible Text: 1 Timothy 4:4-5 | Preacher: Tim Sutton
Bible Text: Genesis 3:16 | Preacher: Tim Sutton
Bible Text: Habakkuk 2:20 | Preacher: Bill Hall
Bible Text: Galatians 5:19 | Preacher: Tim Sutton